Sunday, December 14, 2008


i'm in cambridge studying for finals [try not to be jealous] . my music is on a little louder than usual in efforts to drown out the ongoing coffee grinder and people taking all around me. in the midst of typing some notes, this song called "Further the Sky" came on [its one of those songs that i could listen to on repeat for a while and not grow tired of it] and caused my mind to calm and reflect for just a moment.
take the time to sit today. take the time to listen, really listen to what's going on around you. listen intently to a friend's heart. listen to the news. listen to good music. listen to your favorite song on repeat.
some of my favorite lines from "Further the Sky":
[When you don't know where you're going and you don't know why.
It feels like another day's beating into the night.
Lay your head on my chest while my beatin’ heart pounds out the secret of this life.]
...more thoughts from finals study time will be coming soon...

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