Friday, September 12, 2008

run to her

i love to watch people as i walk across campus. confession: sometimes i plug in my earphones and turn my iPod on shuffle and walk as though the song playing was the soundtrack to a movie and just observe people in the context of that song. [i know i'm a dork, if you weren't already aware, here's your evidence] today however i didn't have my iPod plugged in and i was just watching people interact as i walked from lowder to the library. there was nothing out of the ordinary until i began to cross in front of mary martin hall. there was a boy walking in front of me with big headphones on, backpack filled to the brim, then out of no where he started running! my initial thought was that he was running to catch the tiger transit, but as my eyes searched the street for a nearing bus i couldn't find one. i've seen many people running across campus [not exercising] and i always get uncomfortable thinking about why they are so desperate to get to class. they usually run with their eyes towards the pavement and have no sense of anyone else around them. but today, this boy was different. his eyes were locked straight ahead, he was on a mission. i found myself smiling still trying to figure out what he was doing. was he in a race with himself? was he about to start a fight [highly unlikely but you never know, people are crazy]?, what the mess was he running towards?! then the answer came: he was running to her. i don't know who she is, but this boy loves her. my heart melted and i just watched this girl's face light up as this boy embraced her and kissed her cheek. he put his arm around her and led her towards samford hall- he looked so content. no wonder he was unaware that anyone was watching, he was running to his love. his eyes were locked on her. he was so excited to see her that his long legs couldn't walk fast enough so he ran. he RAN to her. i've been reading a book called Redeeming Love, if you haven't read this book i highly suggest that you do! it's long [400+ pages] but it's worth the read. the book is based off the old testament book of hosea. the running thread throughout the book is that this husband constantly, unconditionally, intentionally, lovingly pursues and loves his wife. my mind can't help but think of the man that i will hopefully marry one day and what his pursuit of me will look like; but more importantly that the Lord does this with me every single day. He loves me unconditionally. He runs towards me with mercy and peace and joy and clarity. He runs towards me with the truth that He is my identity, that I can not be separated from His love by anything. He is running towards the nations of this world with a banner of His love. Rest in that. He loves you. He runs towards you.

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