["it's like being a red square in a blue world"]
His simple phrase has stuck with me since then. I think it is a great example of how dramatically different we are called to live. That our purpose is to love God and to love people, and to a world that is so consumed with self, when we choose to live as we are called to- we look dramatically different. As I was talking to a group of high school girls tonight, we talked about what it looks like to be "red squares" in the world we live in. There was a moment when one of my older students embraced the vision I was trying to share with them- it was beautiful. These moments are priceless to me. Not because I have brought some great enlightenment, but because He who is greater than my vision, greater than my words, He brings understanding and I had the privilege of being there when they began to understand truth. It's a beautiful experience.
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