Tuesday, January 6, 2009


i don't have much time but i wanted to write a little post to say hello and tell you a funny story.
we've been practicing our basic BASIC japanese while we are here and one of the things that we say a lot is "arigato" which means thank you and you bow at every greeting or conversation. [side note: i will probably be bowing for the next month or so just out of habit] so this precious lady is talking to me in japanese right as an elevator is closing and i'm making eye contact just nodding my head pretending to understand and as the doors close i bow and look right at her and say "hi-ya" like i'm about to karate chop her or something. needless to say, my japanese is rough. 
sorry to be so short.
japan is amazing.
i love it here. 
please pray for Japan today. 
may God move your heart to speak His love and truth. 
He is jealous for you. 


Brandy said...

YEA!! A blog!! finally!! I'm so ready for you to come home and teach me how to bow!! love YOU!!

medailey said...

I am so glad that you made it safely! Its good to see that you already speak fluent Japanese :)! I love you and can't wait for you to come home.