Sunday, August 3, 2008

truth conquers hearts.

I appologize in advance for the poor resolution of this picture, but it had to be taken without a flash to prevent glare from the top coat of this painting...
This is a piece I painted right after I got back to Auburn
this summer from working with Kenny & the amazing students of
HaU [my youth group in Huntsville].
The vision that is being placed and prayed over the students is one of growth. Hence the inspiration behind the painting.
The vision is that we, as leaders, would be committed to meeting students where they are, guiding them and encouraging them to fall deeper in love with the one and only God who is Love.
[And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love.
Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.
1 John 4:16]
Today was a wonderful day because of a great conversation I got to have with a friend in the parking lot of Sonic. It started out as a simple run to McDonalds for some dinner and a McFlurry. Well, I should have taken Bek's words of wisdom that haven proven true the past 2 times I've been there: the ice cream machine at McDonalds in Auburn 'breaks' every night at 9:00- just in case you are ever craving a delicious treat, go before then. So since the machine was 'broken' we resorted to Sonic where we talked a lot about how God is growing his global family and what it looks like to be his children and to understand the privlege that we have to be a part of His story. My friend lives in China told me a few stories of his friends there, but one in particular just spoke straight to my heart and astounded me with the power of truth.
Do you ever have those moments when someone is speaking to you and you know that their words are flowing straight from their heart? Just the honest, vulnerable, real truth of where they are and what is going on in their life.
Tonight I got to hear a small glimpse of that from a great friend.
It is so amazing to me how God orchestrates our lives.
I am so thankful for friends who love me and invest in me, I'm so undeserving and have been given so much.

1 comment:

rebekah said...

i love you.

i think that might be my default comment for your blog. but that's just all i can think when i'm done reading it...i love you.