Tuesday, April 21, 2009

please dont stare

mr. man sitting at the computer across from me in the library: i came to the library to try to be productive between classes. but my productivity has been distracted by your volume level which is disturbing. i find it hard to believe that you are studying or working on a project, or perhaps i just have never seen the course "drinking and fishing" on the course list when i was signing up for class on blackboard. the subject which so nicely accompanies your volume, seems to also be distracting your friend next to you who is obviously trying to work. i'm not sure if you have noticed but the rest of the students around are typing and writing at a relatively low, nearly silent, volume. also, i'm not sure if you are trying to obviously stare at every girl that walks by you, but your violent head turning is noticeable. perhaps that technique works for you, if so, please dismiss my observation. on the other hand, if it hasn't been working out so well, please don't stare. it's weird. thanks and have a wonderful day. -the distracted student across the computer circle

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