Friday, April 3, 2009

auburn | hong kong

Lately my heart and my head have been in two different cities. Auburn: this precious little town that has given me all the room to grow and learn and experience college & Hong Kong: this city full of lights and world influencers that will be my home in just a few months. Each day I arrive at my designated classroom, sit in the same seat that I sat in the first day of class, begin to take notes, somehow drift into a doodling session writing the words "hong kong" or "grace campus" with swirls or sharp lines surrounding it, then I reality beckons my mind back to class discussion. My heart has just been in a constant battle between making the most out of my time left here and preparing for what is to come. I still have about a month left to be in a classroom, then an internship, then Hong Kong. It's funny to me how connected I feel to a place and a people that I have never experienced first hand. I definitely want to finish my time at Auburn well. I want to be exactly where I am. I want to enjoy these last moments here, but I can't wait for what is to come. Each day I'm trusting the Lord to guide my thoughts. Wrapping around surrender is a beautifully freeing thing.

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