Monday, April 27, 2009


my cell phone buzzed during class, indicating that i had received an email. as i opened my account i saw that a dear friend had sent me a link to an article from the ny times. the note attached to her email simply said, "read this. i'm balling right now. wow." using deductive reasoning, i decided this was either an article about social justice or love. i took time in between my morning classes to read the article, and if you have a few minutes today, i would suggest you do the same. without giving too much information away, it's an account of love from a husband's perspective. his commitment to his wife and the way he describes his love for her is incredible. i would love to be married one day. to love someone and raise a family for the glory of the one great Love. and each day, i hope to be as committed and in love as this couple. through thick and thin. through bliss and tragedy. through stability and spontaneity. this story is a great tangible example of that.

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