Monday, April 12, 2010

divine mercy

"We know Jesus has saved our lives from divine judgement. Think of it, Christ has taken all of your filth and my filth, all of your evil wicked thoughts and my evil wicked thoughts, he has taken every single one of them and he has put them on his son instead of us. Jesus has taken the punishment due every single one of our sins upon himself he has delivered us from divine judgement. And not only that, not only deliverance, he has freed us. We don't have to go back to our sin like we see over and over again in the book of Judges. We are free from sin, free to walk in victory over sin, not to go back to that from which we have been saved from. So what shall we do then? Shall we sit back with that news? Jesus has saved us from divine judgement. Shall we sit back with that news and just soak it in while we turn a deaf ear to millions upon millions of people who have never heard that? Absolutely not. We are not saved to soak it in, we are saved to spend our lives to proclaim divine mercy. That is what we do. We give ourselves, we give our lives, we give our family, we give our time, we give our money, we give everything we have: our very lives, making this mercy known to the ends of the earth. That is the only response to the one true God."
-sermon Depravity & Deliverance, David Platt

1 comment:

Kelly Furr said...

Thanks for this, Mal! It is a great reminder and proclamation as to what my life should be looking more like. Love you!