Friday, May 15, 2009


I am overwhelmed. In the best possible way, completely overwhelmed. As I spent most of the afternoon alone today, I found myself thinking about the love of God. How it is deep, wide, high, far, strong, resilient, peaceful, unchanging, great, and perfect is the love of God. There is no replacement or substitute. There is no articulation to ever properly express it's magnitude. There is no measure for the lengths it covers to meet us. There is nothing like it. We humans, we will search. We will seek out every empty pleasure and try to satiate this hunger we have for something more. Don't be fooled to think that this world will not try to detour you. There is no doubt that flashy lights and sparkly new things will give us some distorted sense of identity. But when we come to the end of ourselves, this love, it meets our broken vessels in the darkest night and makes us new again. When there is nothing left to cling to, it extends hope and purpose. This love is deep enough to consume you. This love is wide enough to separate your sin as far as the east is from the west. This love is high enough to extend to the heavens. This love reaches far enough to bring life out of the depths of a heart of stone. This love is strong enough to withstand whatever may happen in our time on earth. This love is resilient enough to rebuild our broken lives. This love brings peace that surpasses understanding. This love is unchanging. This love is great enough to reconcile us back to God through the cross. This love is perfect. As I find myself sitting under the weight of it's magnitude, I am compelled.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

beautiful. love you so much.