Monday, August 25, 2008


This past Thursday was our first Encounter of the school year and it was absolutely wonderful to say the least. It's hard to articulate something like Encounter because it's not just another meeting or random group of students, it's the gathering of part of God's family here on Auburn's campus- gathered together for one purpose, in one room, with hearts all declaring the same song, with souls desiring one thing: for God to be glorified on our campus and around the world. We have relocated this year from Lakeview to the ballroom at the new Student Center. Honestly, before everyone got there I found myself staring into the room wondering how in the world we were all going to fit. Just as I suspected, the room was packed from wall-to-wall. It was beautiful. Even though I was sitting on the right side of the room with a huge column blocking my view of the stage, and had no chair to sit in, I was overwhelmed with joy to be in that room. My heart has missed this Auburn family for so long. I've anticipated this meeting all summer and it's finally here! Matt delivered such an encouraging message & Daniel and Jason did an amazing job of leading us to the cross of Jesus in song. During the middle of the last set of worship after I began to look around and felt an undeniable stirring of the Lord. My heart breaks for the nations and He is asking me to go. I don't know where or when or for how long, but I do know I'm going. He was present in that room on Thursday and I pray that He will continue to meet with us each week to break and mend hearts and bring hearts out of the deepest gloom and share the beautiful freedom that is promised in Jesus.

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